YSI Reunion Website

Welcome to the YSI Reunion website.

Larry passed away Tuesday morning, July 9th, 2003, at his home in Redwood Estates.  A memorial service was held in celebration of his life on Saturday, July 20th.

I've posted his obituary from the San Jose Mercury News, and a number of items displayed at the memorial service.

Also posted:

Kendra's YSI slides (all 730 of them!)

The scrapbook we gave Larry at the reunion on May 18th.

The reunion contact list.

People we'd like to find.

See the article about Larry in YSI's current newsletter.

Larry's Obituary

Memorial Service Items

I'd be delighted to hear from any of you about this site.  Please also feel free to email me (dave@DELETETHISPARTrossum.com) with items to post, corrections, etc.